All Blogs,Digital Marketing, - December 27, 2019
3 Proven Ways To Increase B2B Leads Through Social Media
Tips From Professional Social Media Marketers
Many businesses think of social media as a brand-building tool more than a lead generation one. The truth is that social media can be used to generate and refine leads in both B2B and B2C markets.
With the right strategy in place, you can capture leads on-the-spot and add them into your sales funnel. This article will bring you information on how you can specifically capture more B2B leads from your social media profiles.
1. Choose the Right Platform
There are several social media platforms to choose from. However, you’ll be making a critical mistake by signing up for every social media platform and expecting results.
This is because different types of individuals gather on specific channels. Facebook is an easy choice for B2B marketers because it has the largest following in the world.
Though, many marketers neglect LinkedIn, which is arguably a better-suited platform for bringing in B2B leads.
Make sure you conduct extensive research on your target audience before you randomly choose a platform to advertise on.
2. Use Video Content
Video content is a popular form of Content among Millenials. Rightfully so, creating videos for your brand is a great way to showcase your products and services in a digestible manner for your target audience.
For Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can produce captivating videos and promote them to millions of users.
The main takeaway here is to get creative with how you display these videos.
Don’t waste your time mindlessly drilling into your prospects’ heads about how your products or services are the best for them. Instead, allow your prospects to make their own decisions.
With that said, create videos that show why your offerings can be an invaluable aspect of your prospects’ lives. For example, a software company could ideally create a video that displays the difficulties their customers face without their product and tie in footages of what life would be like for them with their product.
A theme like this, combined with a clever call-to-action (CTA) can encourage your target audience to give your products or services a shot without any direct promotion.
3. Share Links to Gated Content
Gated content is exactly what it is – it’s content that’s only accessible to people who provide some form of credentials.
Usually, businesses require people to submit their email addresses to receive a whitepaper or e-book.
This is an example of how gated content works. Fortunately, social media is an incredible way to share your gated content. The best way to do this is to create an enticing call-to-action and offer a case study embedded in the content you’re giving away.
For example, a company selling marketing automation software could structure their social media ad to say, “58% of our clients have reported a 124% increase in revenue of our automation software. Figure out how by grabbing a copy of our case study today.”
Business leaders are always looking for new ways to make money on social media, and an ad like that could be too enticing to pass up. By creating valuable content for your target audience, you can receive quality leads who will provide you with their email addresses so you can convert them at a later date.
Do you want to begin attracting more leads through Social Media with professional help? If so, contact Agency Partner Interactive to learn more about how we can help you.
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