All Blogs,Digital Marketing,What's Trending, - September 16, 2021
7 Latest Content Marketing Strategies Practiced by Digital Marketing Experts
Expert Tips For 7 Latest Content Marketing Strategies Practiced by Digital Marketing Experts
As a part of digital marketing, content is an indispensable tool that can drive engagement, help to convert leads and make your company more visible to a wider range of people. Good content is considered an increasingly valuable asset by digital marketing experts and companies alike, with over 90% of companies surveyed recognizing it as essential.
Of course, with its importance comes one of the potential drawbacks – if we all know the importance of content marketing strategies, it’s harder to gain an advantage. So what can we do to ensure a better shot at a wider market?
Below, we will analyze seven separate content marketing approaches that digital marketing experts practice and explain how they could work for you. These are the tips that the best digital marketing services in Dallas and beyond are adopting for their own clients, and they can be effective for you, too.
Build a collective of contributors
If you have the one perfect content creator on staff, you can be sure of attracting customers who like the kind of content they create – but that doesn’t do a lot to diversify or grow your pool of leads. It simply delivers the same people each time.
That’s good for customer loyalty, but you need more than that. A wider range of content creators from different parts of your business means more diverse subject matter, a shake-up of writing styles, and the chance to do different things.
You can invite guest writers who are experts in different aspects of your business, customers who have been really pleased by your service, and more creators besides – if they have something relevant to say about your industry, the more, the merrier.
Build a content calendar
It’s useful to have a pattern to when content goes up, what type of content you publish, when, and more besides. For instance, you should have a deadline for submissions that allows time for proofing, editing, and integration before a post goes live.
You can give over different days of the week to different aspects of your business – posts about HR issues can go live on Wednesdays, while Friday can be for content about procurement. Repeat visitors will come back more often if they know when to come back – and they’ll start to gain an interest in aspects beyond their own areas of focus before long.
Look for digestible content.
The experts on the best content strategy in Dallas and elsewhere know that a diverse collection of content is the way to go. Sometimes, people will want to read deep dives on specific topics, while other times, they will want something a bit more punchy.
You can repost (with permission) other people’s content, potentially adding your own introduction to highlight the relevance of what those other people have to say. Instead of posting the entirety of their content, you can include the sections that mesh especially well with what you want to say – and then drop a link to their blog to advise readers on where they can hear more.
Give people what they want.
It sounds simple, but it does need some fleshing out as a point, this one. There are many ways to find out what people want to read on your blog, and you should use all of those ways. Look at your own analytics, and see the search terms people have used to find your site. Look at keyword analysis tools, and see what’s popular as a search term in your niche.
With media monitoring tools, you can see what’s a hot topic in your sector right now. And then there are always follow-up posts. If one piece has done very well on your blog before, revisit it and address any potential changes in the topic, answer readers’ questions and develop the theme in a way that drives engagement and leads.
Boost your signal
Once you’ve created and published content, the next thing to promote it for all it’s worth. Tweet about it early in the day – and flag it on Instagram, Facebook, and any other social network you’re on – and then send another tweet related to it in the evening with an “ICYMI” (In Case You Missed It).
Various plugins will automatically Tweet any article you post. However, you may prefer to manually promote new posts on social media as this will allow you to add hashtags, emoji, and anything else that makes your content pop.
Also, if recent events have made any of your content more relevant, call back to it on your social channels – people who are following the trend with interest may become followers of your account.
Spread the word
If your content is good enough, then it may well grace the pages of other outlets beyond your own blog, which is something to embrace. Yes, exclusivity is nice as a way of controlling the way your content is displayed and read.
However, the more people that read it, the better. Suppose it is seen on industry blogs, private forums, and local papers much better. The one thing you must insist on is that your name and business are heavily attached to it when it is published elsewhere. You wrote it, you worked on it, and you should benefit from it in terms of your profile.
Don’t write for you
If you’re a writer, then there are probably times that you piece together bits of content in your head, constructing the guts of a post that sounds snappy and interesting to you. Don’t mistake trying to turn this into a post on your blog because a good post won’t start with a snappy line of content – it starts with an idea.
By all means, if you have a decent turn of phrase in mind, it sums up a moment, or it includes a joke or two that will be well-received by more people than just you, then you can include those throwaway lines. Just don’t build your content around things that have amused you – leave that to Sunday broadsheet columnists. It doesn’t work in digital marketing.