All Blogs,Digital Marketing,Media,Web Insights, - November 08, 2021
Nexstar Media: “Morning After” on CW33 TV To Discuss Social Media Safety
Originally aired live on Nov. 3, 2021, on CW33 TV; by the Digital News Desk
This problem is now affecting our very own Jenny Anchondo as she battles with social media accounts pretending to be her and scamming people out of hundreds of dollars.
Adam Rizzieri, co-founder and chief marketing officer for Agency Partner Interactive, joined our show to talk about the dangers of social media impersonation and what you can do to prevent it.
© 2021 Nexstar Media Inc. and Agency Partner Interactive LLC. All rights reserved.
Other Resources
Learn more about “imposter scams” today. These are a growing threat and have increased in frequency since the COVID mandates. Individuals and businesses alike are targets and the FTC has proven to be a great resource on this topic.
Click Here to learn more from the FTC’s official website.
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