All Blogs, - December 22, 2021
Amazon’s AWS suffers its third outage this month.
This morning, AWS customers around the world were hit with yet another outage. It’s the third time this month that Amazon Web Services has gone down, and many are wondering why Amazon has not been more proactive in protecting them from these outages.
These outages go beyond just Amazon services and effects programs that use AWS. Including Epic Games, Asana, Slack, and Imgur. As of 6:13 AM PST, Amazon said it had restored power to affected servers, but users may still experience issues going forward. This is the third time AWS has gone down in recent weeks. While this particular outage was less widespread than the previous, which affected streaming sites like Netflix and Disney Plus.
While the current outage may be resolved, downdecter.com is still receiving reports of AWS errors. Amazon Web Services is one of the largest and most popular cloud services globally. It’s used by many large companies, including Netflix, Hulu, and even the US government.AWS outages are becoming more common and more severe. And until Amazon takes steps to prevent them, they will continue to make headlines.