All Blogs,Digital Marketing, - August 03, 2021
7 Keys to An Effective Facebook Ad Strategy
Expert Tips For 7 Keys to An Effective Facebook Ad Strategy
The complexity of Facebook advertising can seem overwhelming, especially if you are an agency partner fairly new to the methodology. You know that your digital marketing ads should be optimized somehow, but with so many options and dropdowns presented to you, the path to successful ads is somewhat unclear.
This article demystifies the process for you and gives you some helpful advice!
Facebook advertisement has grown quite sophisticated over the years and can provide your brand or business with excellent opportunities for high engagement and conversions.
Understanding the key elements of an effective Facebook digital strategy gives you a solid road map to follow, keeps you focused on your objectives, and maximizes your marketing budget. Read on for the seven keys to an effective Facebook Ad strategy!
Know your target audience
You’ve heard this a million times, but that’s only because it’s so vital to effective Facebook ads! Understanding your target audience is the starting point for effective Facebook ads since it optimizes other aspects of the strategy and sets your campaign up for success.
Begin with a broad overview of your target demographic, including age, education, income, and family life. When you have this information, you can start to detail their online behavior and interests. This is your buyer persona that will massively increase engagement and lead generation.
Your Ad objective
On the Facebook platform, you have a choice of ad objectives. These are more than simply a way to focus your campaign and arrange your thinking. Facebook objectives influence the way your marketing budget is spent.
Examples of Facebook objectives include brand awareness, traffic, post engagement, video engagement. The reason why Facebook objectives are so important is that they determine how your budget is spent. If you choose a “traffic” objective, for instance, you pay based on clicks. Conversely, if your objective is “video,” you pay based on the number of 10-second views. Of course, having an objective also helps to focus your campaign, but it’s much more than that.
Focus on audience pain points
This is where your audience persona starts to pay off! Obviously, you won’t appeal to everyone; that’s not the point. Instead, you want to zero in on a particular target customer and show them how your product can fix their pain point.
The better you understand your target audience, the more precise you can be regarding pain points. But it isn’t only about demonstrating how your product works and why they should invest in it. Working with pain points and your target audience also helps you decide on display criteria such as graphics or video. The format of the ad must also appeal.
Use Ad Funnels
Facebook Ads offer so much in terms of audience segmentation and targeting. One essential element is Ad Funnels. Ad Funnels allow you to appeal to various target audiences at different stages of the customer journey. If no one has heard of your brand before, you can engage them with brand awareness. Similarly, you can meet long-term customers at the interest or consideration stage.
To use Ad funnels effectively, you will need to set up a series of campaigns. All this might seem like extra work, but you significantly improve your chances of engagement and conversions when you target customers at the right stage.
Be smart with bidding.
Bidding is a crucial part of your Facebook ad strategy! It is often viewed as an afterthought, but in reality, it strikes a balance between your campaign budget and your engagement levels. Carefully optimize your ad bidding, and Facebook will automate your ads to get the highest placements.
You can choose between a cost cap or a bid cap. A cost cap is normally set at $0.34 per click, and you can choose a daily budget. This helps keep your campaign costs under control. Additionally, you can choose “target bids” that use an average bid amount. So if Facebook thinks it can get you a higher placement, it will spend a little more.
Optimize mobile Ads
Not surprisingly, the majority of audience engagement on Facebook is through mobile! This means that your ads must be optimized for mobile if you want them to be effective. Mobile ads are short and snappy. In contrast to desktop ads, they only give you three lines of copy before the “continue reading” option.
The first thing you want to do is front-load your ad copy to give readers a clear idea of your product and what it does. You only have three lines to do this. The other thing you need to keep in mind is the image size. Pay close attention to the dimensions so your ad is not awkwardly cropped. Preview everything before you commit to the ad.
Split testing
Split testing is a handy feature of Facebook ad strategy that should be used throughout your ad campaign. Split testing allows you to test various audiences against your ad objective to see how they perform. Carry out this process throughout your campaign to optimize for the best results.
Facebook split testing is exceptional if you want to test a single element of your campaign – such as images or copy – against different audience segmentations. Since this is what you are primarily interested in doing anyway, Facebook allows you to closely align your ads with the demographics and expectations of your target audience.
Final thoughts
Facebook ads have followed Google ads in its approach to Ad marketing, one reason it is so effective. Like Google, Facebook marketing allows you to segment your audience and target specific demographics and particular stages of the customer journey. This significantly increases engagement and conversions. To ensure your Facebook ads are effective, it pays to understand the key elements of their Ad strategy and optimize yours according to the available functionality.
Facebook currently has 2.8 billion monthly active users making it still the world’s largest social media platform. By using Facebook marketing experts and utilizing the power of their digital advertising methods, you can engage with target customers more effectively and grow your audience simultaneously with a Fb ads strategy.