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Does PPC Marketing Work for Attorneys

PPC for Lawyers - Does it Work?
Tips From Digital Marketing Experts

Finding clients as an attorney can be one of the most daunting tasks. You’ve made your checklist -chose a specific area of law, check; went one step further and chose a niche, check; created a website, check. You’ve done the networking, making lists of prospective clients and referrals, you’ve even put up free resources on your website. All of these things are great, but they haven’t really generated much in the way of people calling for your services.

The answer is rather simple to use Online Marketing Strategies, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing. PPC is one of the best ways to get your name out to potential clients. The place to start is with Google Ad Words and Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads, part of the Bing Search Engine Platform). While there are numerous PPC Platforms, these two are the Most Commonly Used by the clients you are seeking.  

Navigating PPC marketing can be tricky, but with the right knowledge, you can achieve high visibility on Google or Bing Searches, display effective Ad Campaigns, overcome the challenges and be on your way to an increased client base.

What is PPC for Lawyers?

Pay Per Click (PPC)  is Online Advertising that you pay for each time your ad is clicked. The amount you pay per click is determined by bidding in an ad auction with Google Adwords or Microsoft Ads. Basically, you are bidding against other law firms for the use of relevant keywords in your ads. When a search is performed using your keywords, your ad is shown first. It is one of the most effective digital marketing aids to generate clients in a very competitive legal market. 

There are several factors to consider other than just paying for clicks and bidding on keywords, in the determination of where your ad will rank. First, you need to conduct research to establish what your keywords are going to be, based on the law you practice and what keywords your competitors are using. Your ad also needs to be relevant to the search queries that your clients are seeking. Keep in mind that the Landing Page is where the advertisement sends the client. The headline needs to be highly specific and relevant to the client’s search, and your landing page needs to have a call-to-action that is clear and also relevant to your client’s search. If your landing page is not applicable and another firm’s is, you could lose that potential client.

Why You Should Choose PPC for Your Law Firm

Marketing for a law firm is not the same as Marketing for other Businesses. PPC ads can significantly help boost a law firm’s client base. Here are three reasons why you should make PPC a key marketing strategy for your practice.

  •  PPC Ads Have High Visibility on Google or Bing Searches

When someone uses Google or Bing to search for an attorney, the top three to four listings are PPC ads from Google’s Adwords or Microsoft Ads. There is a much higher click-through rate for these top ads. Having a PPC ad gives you an advantage and an opportunity for higher visibility by a wider audience.

  • Your Competitors are Using Them

With so many law firms out there, just having a website isn’t enough. Every time a potential client goes online to search for an attorney in your specialty, they will pull up one of your competitors who has a PPC ad, instead of you.

You need to make sure you show up in their search by using keywords that make you stand out from your competitors. 

  • You Have Control of the Keywords

Keyword control makes PPC ads a core marketing tool for your firm. You chose the keywords and phrases to put in your ads, you have control over your PPC Optimization, and therefore, you determine how you target your clients.

Research and select Keywords, with the help of Google and Microsoft to identify what the right keyword phrases are for you. A few words can make or break a PPC Ad Campaign. If you take time during your ad planning process to figure out what you have to offer and who your target clients are, you can adjust your keywords accordingly.

Knowing your clients makes it easier to implement a PPC Strategy.

Best Type of PPC Ads for Attorneys

There are three types of PPC ads proven to have the best results for attorneys:

  • Display Ad Campaigns

Google Display Network and Microsoft Advertising Network partner with reputable websites to help you reach a much larger target audience. Being part of a Display Network can also put you in front of clients before they start searching for your skillset. Some ad types work better when you are linked to a Google Display or Microsoft Advertising Network, such as responsive display ads, uploaded images ads, Gmail ads and engagement ads.

  •  Search Ad Campaign

Search ad campaigns appear when a potential client searches for the services you offer. Your ad will appear directly above or below the top-ranking Google and Bing search results. You only pay for this ad when people click it.

  • Re-Marketing Ad Campaigns

Re-Marketing ad campaigns let you tailor your ads to people who have visited your website at least once before.

Overcoming Challenges with PPC Ads for Law Firms

The one deterrent to PPC marketing is the cost. The ads can be quite expensive. Some of the more specialized legal industry keyword bids can cost over $100 USD per click, costing you thousands of dollars per month. However, because you are only paying per click, the benefits of the higher conversion rate could outweigh the cost for you. The conversion rate for the legal industry on Google can be as high as 6.98%. The bottom line is that PPC ads have been a proven marketing tool to get clients. 

PPC marketing is very competitive, and Google and Bing are continually adjusting their search engine algorithms.

The best way to ensure that you are not wasting your time and money is to hire Agency Partner Interactive to do it for you. API has experience in managing PPC accounts. Call Agency Partner Today and let them help you generate the PPC Marketing Strategy you need to grow the client base you want for your law firm.

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