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How To Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy For Your Brand
Expert Tips For How To Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy For Your Brand
As with most social media today, Twitter has moved on from a primary site for social engagement to a powerful Twitter Marketing channel used for brand building and brand promotion. But it isn’t always an easy task, even for those with social media experience.
The Twitter channel is slightly different from other platforms and requires a strategic brand marketing strategy to get the most from it. We look at some of the best ways to use Twitter to market your brand and grow a dedicated following.
Use Twitter analytics
The first step to creating a successful Twitter marketing plan is to crack open your Twitter analytics and takes a closer look at what’s working (or not working) for your brand. Twitter analytics provides valuable insights into engagement rates for different types of tweets – called “impressions.”
Twitter impressions give you the performance of tweets in recent months and over the previous 28 days. It tells you what tweets have been popular and why. You can also look at your marketing strategy and see where your campaign supported more vital impressions.
Tailor your brand voice
A brand voice is crucial for connecting with your audience and strengthening your brand identity. As with your brand logo, packaging, and social media ads, your voice must be consistent across platforms and reassuring for your audience – however, you can still be creative.
Once you have established a voice that is true to your brand and connects with your audience, you can use it creatively on Twitter to generate interest and stay relevant. Of course, that doesn’t mean jumping on trends, but you can still incorporate trends into Tweets using your distinctive voice.
Use trends and hashtags
Did you know that tweets with hashtags get double the engagement rates than tweets without them? Statistics like this suggest you should apply hashtags to every tweet you put out, but this isn’t a good idea either. Instead, it’s best to use hashtags for an intended purpose.
Most brands use hashtags for promotional purposes, and this is very effective. If you have a campaign for a short period – such as discounts on Black Friday – some relevant hashtags can significantly increase engagement rates and help grow your audience and brand awareness.
Use Twitter ads
Twitter ads work like other social media and search engine ads. However, you pay a premium – a monthly subscription in the case of Twitter – and you get to optimize your setting to target different demographics. Your ads then appear on users’ Twitter feeds.
Although this costs money, it’s an effective way to engage new people with your brand and promote a new product or service. Even if someone doesn’t follow your brand, the ads will show up in their news feed if they have an optimized interest.
Time your Tweets
Once you tweet, that post will remain on the Twitter newsfeed until it is deleted, but that doesn’t mean anyone will see it. The Twitter newsfeed moves incredibly fast, so a post that went up thirty minutes ago might well be invisible always. One technique is to time your tweets effectively.
Posting a tweet at the right time can mean the difference between high engagement and none at all. The average half-life is around thirty minutes, and tweets reach 75% of their potential in three hours, so posting at the right time is crucial. Use an engagement schedule to help.
Schedule your Tweets
Consistency is vital when posting to Twitter. Audiences expect regular – often daily posts – from the brands they follow. It helps the Twitter algorithm identify popular and relevant Tweets to boost engagement. So you need to time your tweets, but you also need to schedule them to land consistently.
If you’re a brand, it’s recommended that you post to Twitter at least once a day, but many brands will post much more than that – up to fifteen times a day! The frequency of your posts is usually determined by the relevance and quantity of the content you create.
Engage with Twitter Audiences
To create a successful brand on Twitter, you need to interact with your Twitter audience and anyone on the platform who mentions your brand. Whether positive or negative, you need to communicate with your brand community to build trust and confidence.
As with other social media platforms, Twitter is a two-way channel. If your brand posts regularly but displays low audience engagement, it makes users feel like an overly promotional business, but interacting with creates a strong brand community that users can invest in.
Set brand goals for Twitter
No Twitter marketing strategy is complete without brand goals. Brand goals help to keep your campaign on track and monitor the success of your promotions and campaigns. Brand goals on Twitter can mean “growing awareness” and “brand engagement.”
These are separate things. Growing awareness is measured by “followers” and “reach,” while brand engagement is measured by “replies” and “shares.” There are many other goals you can set, it depends on your overall strategy, but it’s essential to monitor them frequently.
Use a cross-platform strategy.
Today’s effective brand strategy involves more than one social media platform because the platforms have different audiences and different forms of engagement. Your Twitter profile can be integrated into an overall social media strategy to get the most out of every forum.
You might need some help to create an effective social media brand strategy that’s effective cross-platform. Each platform has micro-differences that require separate management. Your Twitter accounts are no different; ensure you have a dedicated team to operate your Twitter brand marketing strategy.
To sum up
Brand awareness and engagement on social media are essential for building and maintaining a lasting brand, but it doesn’t happen by accident. Each social media platform has unique traits that you need to work with to ensure your brand stays healthy and relevant.
Using Twitter Marketing to create goals for your brand and monitor them often, you can engage with existing audiences more effectively and grow your audience using intelligent advertising.