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Your Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Development in 2022

Expert Tips For Your Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Development in 2022

Mobile app development is no longer just for the big players. It’s time to stop thinking of mobile apps as a luxury and start thinking of them as integral to your business strategy. If you’re reading this blog post, it means that you are probably starting to think about mobile app development. 

You should be!

This article will provide you with some insights on what trends we see coming in 2022, so you can plan accordingly.

What is Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is developing mobile applications for smart devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps are designed to run on your smartphone or tablet device. They are usually developed with a specific end-user in mind, focusing on what makes them unique compared to other platforms.

The most common mobile app stores are the Apple App Store and the Google Play store. Apps are built using different programming languages, including Java, Swift, Dart, C#, and HTML 5.

Why is Mobile App Development Important?

Mobile app development is important because it allows businesses to create custom mobile applications to help them achieve their specific goals. For example, a business might want to develop a mobile app that helps customers make purchases or access information about their accounts.

Mobile apps can also be used to collect customer data, which can improve marketing efforts and create a more personalized experience for customers. Mobile apps are projected to generate $693 billion in revenue for 2021 from app stores, in-app purchases, and in-app advertising.

What is a Mobile App?

A mobile app is a software application that runs on your smartphone or tablet device, allowing you to easily access information from various services right in front of you, no matter where you are. This means that it can be used for business and personal use case scenarios. An average smartphone user spends 35 hours per month using mobile apps. Apps like TikTok are set to have a revenue of over $2.3 billion dollars in 2021.

What’s New?

This article looks at the latest mobile app development trends in 2022. Here are some of the things you can expect for your business to have an advantage over others:

Blockchain Technology

While blockchain used to be synonymous with cryptocurrency and anonymous transactions, it can be used for decentralized data storage. Each record has a timestamp and unique hash value that cannot be altered without changing all subsequent blocks.

This can be helpful when protecting user data and preventing data breaches. Apps backed by blockchain technology are end-to-end encrypted, meaning no one can access them without having specific encryption keys. With the rise of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), we expect blockchain to be a big player in 2022.

Touchless UI

Apps that utilize other input methods, such as voice and gesture control, are becoming more popular. We predict that there will be a surge in the use of touchless user interfaces (UI), which allow users to interact with apps using natural gestures and speech.

There is a strong use case for voice applications, especially with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa becoming more popular than ever before. This is great news if you own an Alexa or Google Home.

Augmented Reality

While augmented reality, AR, has been around for some time, it is now being used in apps at an increased rate. This trend will continue to increase over the next few years as AR becomes more mainstream and better integrated into mobile devices. Sellers, for example, can utilize AR to show how their products will look on a customer or in a customer’s home. We expect AR to become more popular in 2022, offering users a more personalized experience.

Machine Learning / AI

As AI technology continues to improve, machine learning will become a more significant part of daily life for many people worldwide. Machine learning helps computers learn and adapt to new information, while AI can complete tasks without requiring any instructions. Both machine learning and AI can be used in mobile apps for a variety of use cases such as:

  • recommending content based on your interests, likes, and dislikes
  • understanding user behavior better than ever before so brands can offer them more personalized experiences
  • facial recognition for added protection in mobile apps


We expect the rollout of fifth-generation, or “5G,” wireless technology, also known as “the internet of things,” to impact mobile app development in 2022 significantly. This is because it will allow for faster download and upload speeds, which means that more data can be processed quickly without any lag time.


Wearables, such as the Apple Watch and Fitbit, are becoming more popular each year. This presents a unique opportunity for mobile app developers to create apps that can be used on these devices. In 2022, we predict that even more wearable devices will be released on the market, so it’s essential to think about how your app will integrate and work with this kind of tech.


With Facebook’s announcement of the Metaverse, we expect VR or virtual reality to play a significant role in 2022. VR allows users to experience digital environments and interact with them as if they were there. This can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • education: giving students the ability to explore different parts of the world without leaving their classroom 
  • entertainment: immersing users in new and exciting worlds
  • business: training employees in new scenarios
  • medicine: allowing doctors to practice difficult procedures before ever touching a real patient

VR can be used for entertainment, but it is also the next computing platform. There are many ways that VR will benefit mobile app development in 2022 and beyond.

Are You Ready for 2022?

Here at Agency Partner Interactive, we are excited for what the future holds. We know that mobile app development is constantly changing, and we want to help you reach your business goals in 2022 and beyond!

If you’re thinking about developing an app but aren’t sure where to start, contact us today.We are one of the top mobile app development company by