All Blogs,Digital Marketing, - June 10, 2019
Advertising Advocates: The Value of Social Media Influencers
Tips from Digital Marketing Experts
Pop culture, the breeding ground for fleeting fads and lasting trends, is seeing a rise in the contentious digitally-active world of social media influencer marketing. With its controversial tactics, it could foretell both the pitfalls and elevation of marketing in a commercial society.
Instagram and other social media platforms are so commonly used today that it would be remiss for brands not to utilize the space of endless-scrolling and double-taps. Given this vastly popular pastime, it is essential for companies to continually raise their social media presence to keep up with the changes in this virtual, social sphere. Along with brand awareness building and profile curation, companies are increasingly realizing the impact of influencer marketing.
Backing this trend, statistics show that when advertising products, influencers are able to convince 72 percent of their followers to trust an affiliated brand. Companies that promote their products and services with the help of influencers are seeing visible results.
Social Media Influencers Building Consumer Confidence
As Influencer Marketing is founded on a structure of connection and confidence with their followers, the time and effort already spent building that relationship is something on which brands can capitalize. Armed with a large following and a strong belief in the product or service, influencers are inspired to express their advocacy and form a mutually beneficial connection with brands.
Valued relationships and leader credibility are integral reasons as to why users continue to follow certain influencers.
These Instagram ‘celebs’ have a wide reach and loyal customer base – two very important aspects of advertorial marketing. Through their affiliated influencers, companies are able to target a niche audience who is more likely to be interested in their products or services. With influencer endorsements, businesses are noticing improved conversion rates.
Influencer Integrity
The movement is gaining in popularity, not only because of the freebies and marketing opportunities influencers stand to gain, but because it is a fathomable reality not reserved only for celebrities. From scrolling teens on Instagram to mothers giving advice based on personal experience, anyone with a large enough following qualifies.
That said, authenticity is a significant component in the world of influencer marketing–there is a fine line between integrity and greed. In November 2017, Facebook admitted that 60 million of their accounts are automated, or fake.
These “bot” accounts are built, bought, and sold, then used to augment an individual’s follower base, making them appear to a bonafide influencer. Undetected, these faux influencers have swindled many businesses. Now companies are advised to thoroughly investigate potential influencers before engaging their services.
The Future of Advertising
Children, teens, and adults are immersed in the visual world of Instagram. It’s a source of cultural reference that promotes lifestyles, products, and services through a facade of smiling faces and pretty pictures. However, this is precisely what advertising is – it’s just stepped onto new platforms and is changing a brand’s reach and advertising success.
Summing Things Up
Forging into the digital marketing realm may seem a bit overwhelming for some. And with new features constantly being added to social apps, many believe that there’s no possibility of influencer marketing slowing down any time soon. So, is an influencer the right course for your brand? It’s a tough question. But you don’t have to go it alone.
At Agency Partner Interactive, we can help you navigate the tides of change. In addition to Website Design Service and Content Creation, we offer Social Media Marketing, Brand Strategist, and Business Consulting. Contact us to talk to an experienced professional who can help set your business onto the right trajectory. Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can help make you successful.
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