All Blogs,Digital Marketing, - April 07, 2020
How Much Does Good SEO Cost in 2020
Tips from SEO Experts
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of achieving increased visibility online. In 2020, many businesses invest thousands of dollars into developing a sound SEO strategy.
If you’ve just started a new business or want to reconsider your current marketing strategy, you may be asking the important question, “how much does good SEO cost in 2020?”
The answer varies based on your specific needs and the scope of your strategy. However, knowing what quality seo optimization costs can help you navigate the murky waters of choosing the right SEO agency.
Why is SEO Important?
According to Statista, 1.8 billion people across the world shopped online. In fact, 63% of all shopping occasions begin online. It’s no secret that consumers believe the internet to be a valuable tool.
With that said, will your website be one of the first they’ll see when they want to search for a product or service? By hiring an SEO agency, you can position your business to rank well online, even over your competitors.
With SEO being a commodity and essential marketing process, it understandably will require you to invest significant capital in quality services. This doesn’t, however, mean that you should spend an arm and a leg on a prospective agency.
How Much Does Quality SEO Services Cost?
Upfront, you can expect to spend anywhere from $650 to $1,500 a month for quality SEO services. Depending on the agency you work with, these prices can vary tremendously. This is why you should do your due diligence in requesting a quote or researching the pricing plans of a prospective agency.
Fortunately, many agencies are very transparent about their pricing. Therefore, this eliminates any possible hidden fees or tricks. Ultimately, it’s your call on how much you want to spend.
Outside of quality SEO agencies, you have a wide variety of options to choose from. In the following section, we’ll go over those options.
Is There a Such Thing as “Cheap” SEO Services?
The short answer to this question is yes. Generally speaking, you get what you pay for. There are many SEO agencies that will charge you as little as $300 per month. Does that mean that you will be given quality services?
There’s a high chance that you won’t. Agencies that charge “cheap” rates have to work quickly to turn a decent profit.
These companies are more likely to rush your services and deny you a positive SEO experience.
Hence, there is a such thing as “cheap” SEO services. However, this is much different than affordable SEO services.
Agencies that provide quality SEO services will charge you accordingly, but this means that they’ll be more likely to go the extra distance for you.
It may cost you more, but hiring an experienced SEO agency is vital to securing qualified leads for your business, since SEO is one of the most proven ways of gaining online real estate.
What Do SEO Services Include?
Common SEO services include keyword research, website audits, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, link-building campaigns, and blogging services. Together, all of these initiatives can impact your SEO.
However, SEO isn’t the only marketing process that contributes to an increased online ranking. There are other marketing strategies that are integral to improving online visibility. Content marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), and link-building are also important factors that influence SEO.
Therefore, when choosing an SEO agency, make sure you inquire about the type of services you’ll be receiving in return. Avoid SEO companies that offer one-size-fits-all packages.
How Much Should You Pay for SEO in 2020
If you’re running a small business, it may be difficult to allocate most of your marketing budget to the purposes of securing quality SEO services. It’s important to treat SEO like an investment.
It takes several months to see tangible growth in your online presence, but if a top SEO agency is working for you, you’ll receive a more than sufficient return in your investment over time.
Overall, only pay what you can for an SEO agency in your area. After all, you can only pay what you have. There are many agencies out there that will work with you to develop a custom package that will benefit your business.
Build Your Online Presence Today!
Finding the right SEO can be challenging, especially if you have a set budget. At the end of the day, you’ll need to hire an affordable company you can trust. Give us a call today at (877) 682-2012 to learn more.
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