All Blogs,Digital Marketing, - January 05, 2021
Web Design Tips for Conferences and Events
Expert Tips For Web Design Tips for Conferences and Events
Whether it is to discuss the new year’s plan, recap last year’s successes, or for pure celebration, conferences and events are being held more and more frequently by companies and organizations.
With the new year right around the corner, we thought it would be a great time to discuss a few web design tips to help you boost event attendance and conversion rates.
Make Important Information Clear And Obvious.
Just like your English teacher taught in grade school, you should make sure that the most important details – when, where, and why are clearly displayed and concise.
Yes, many people may already know where your event or conference will be held, why they should attend, and what time it will be, but many more people do not, and they need to access this information easily.
Remember, the event’s website is not the final product. The event is the final product. The website is simply a means to an end to get people to attend your event.
Give Details About The Event.
This tip may seem obvious, but think about how many times you’ve gone to an event website hoping to learn more about it and ultimately left the site filler like you didn’t get enough details?
By details, I don’t mean when and the where. I mean specific details about the event or conference activities, group activities like games and after-parties, local hotel accommodations, and area travel services.
The website design should provide visitors with tangible details to understand what the conference is about, what they will gain from experience, and what type of activities they can expect.
Remember: Be aware of who the audience is for your specific industry when it comes to guiding voicing and terminology. For example, Dental Website Design companies will likely be speaking to a very different event attendee from that of Construction Website Design Companies. When it comes to crafting the event detail text, let your designers know about those quirks upfront.
Make The Site User-Friendly.
Keep users front of mind when designing your website. This is good advice for any web design, no matter its purpose.
Put yourself in the visitor’s shoes and ask what visitors are looking for when coming to an event website? Think about where they might click, visually how they might flow through the page(s).
Keep interfaces simple, your layout crisp, and a few navigation or option buttons as possible.
Think of it this way, if you keep a visitor journey through your website streamlined, you tighten your sales funnel, make it more direct and much more influential based on what you choose to include or exclude from the design. When you have a clear funnel of action in place, conversion rates are sure to increase.
Use Impactful Visuals
Don’t be afraid to use visual content to help sell the conference to visitors. You can use pictures of your event location, interior and exterior shots, or well-known facilities, to name a few options.
Think about the visual appeal of your event that isn’t necessarily the main subject matter. Whether you use videos, photos, or both, try not to use stock photos.
Real images help to add that authentic feel. If you are having trouble selecting the right imagery, you can also use illustrations in your visual mix. A lot can be communicated through a well-designed graphic.
Make It Mobile
Most websites today are mobile compatible, and if they’re not, they are far behind the times and need to catch up. An intuitive and responsive web design gives prospective attendees a consistent user experience. And it’s also great for search engine optimization (SEO).
Google favors mobile-optimized sites and tends to rank these sights higher in search results. In fact, as we discussed in this earlier post, you can read here, Google now penalizes websites that are not mobile responsive.
We Can Help
Web design for conferences and events is a lot like party planning. You have to keep your guests and attendees in front of mind at all times during the design process.
What will attract their attention? What info do I include? What info do I not include? What color scheme do I use? And ultimately, what will persuade visitors most to decide not only to visit my site but attend the actual event?
All these questions are ones you need to keep in mind, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. There’s much more that goes into designing a website for conferences and events.
Agency Partner specializes in web design for these types of special occasions. While you focus on making sure your guest speakers are booked and arrive on time, let us handle the marketing aspects of your company’s event.
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