All Blogs,Digital Marketing, - October 21, 2022
9 Little-Known Black Friday Marketing Strategies That Work
Black Friday is one of the most important days for retailers, and it’s no surprise that many companies use it to drive sales. However, not every business has mastered the art of Black Friday marketing. If you want your Black Friday campaigns to succeed, we’ve got nine little-known strategies that will help you reach your goals:
- Get Your Site Ready for Traffic
To ensure that your site can handle the traffic spike and make sure it’s available for customers to access, follow these tips:
If you still don’t have a website, make one! Today’s consumers expect brands to be online and accessible 24 hours a day. So, if you don’t already have a functioning eCommerce site set up for Black Friday and beyond, then now’s the time!
Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. According to research conducted by Adobe in 2012, more people are shopping from their phones than ever before. To ensure a positive customer experience on all devices, use responsive web design techniques that let users view content in the same way regardless of which device they use (smartphone or computer).
Make sure your website can handle the surge in traffic. This is where load testing tools can come in handy. Use them to simulate different levels of traffic and determine if your site can handle the increased load before Black Friday hits.
- Create Black Friday Social Media Buzz
- Post images and videos on social media
- Create a hashtag for your Black Friday campaign to help customers and prospects find you and create a buzz about your brand in real-time.
- Engage with customers on social media: answer questions, ask them what their favorite holiday deals are, and offer suggestions on how to save money during the shopping season (early bird specials, gift card deals).
- Use influencers to help promote your Black Friday campaign: reach out to bloggers or local celebrities with large followings in your business or industry to see if they’d be willing to post about any special offers related to Black Friday sales.
- Create A Black Friday-Specific Landing Page
A landing page is a web page that acts as an online sales funnel. It’s used to capture leads and drive traffic to conversion points on your website, such as an eCommerce checkout or signup form.
Landing pages are often used during events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you have a presence on social media, you can also promote unique coupons or promotions for the duration of your event through ads with links that lead back to your landing page.
Make sure your Black Friday landing page is relevant to your target audience. Also, make sure it includes the following:
- A call-to-action (CTA) button—typically “Shop Now” or “Buy Now.”
- A clear value proposition: why should someone buy from you today?
- Preview Live on Instagram
Create a preview video of your product or service. After you’ve created the video, share it on Instagram to see if people like what they see and want to buy.
If you’re selling an item that requires assembly, show how easy it is to put together. Explain how your team delivers excellent customer care beyond expectations if you’re offering a service.
You can also create a “story” in Instagram stories (a series of photos and videos) that highlights your product or service in action.
- Give Your Subscribers a Sneak Peek
Giving your subscribers a sneak peek of what you will be offering for Black Friday is a great way to get them excited about the upcoming event. You could also give them a discount code they can use on Black Friday, which will help get them in the buying mindset.
The most important thing to remember when using this strategy is to ensure the sneak peek entices people to buy from you. If possible, send out an email with some sample products or services and show how awesome they will be on Black Friday when everyone else offers similar products/services at discounted prices.
- Retarget Recent Visitors with a Discount Offer
Retargeting is a powerful tool that can help you increase sales. It’s handy for converting visitors who have abandoned their carts and browsing customers who have yet to make purchases.
You can use retargeting to target customers who have visited your website in the past. This way, when they visit again, they’ll see an ad reminding them of the benefits of purchasing from you, and this will encourage them to convert into paying customers! This strategy works best if you have clear messaging about why someone should make a purchase, such as “our products come with free shipping” or “we offer 30-day returns.”
- Follow Up with Existing Customers
The best time to reach out to your existing customers is during the holiday season. This is when everyone is looking for gifts and trying to find the right one for the people they care about. Make sure you’re top of mind by sending a timely email marketing campaign that reminds them of your products or services, offers a discount (either in-store or online), provides freebies, and gives them free trial periods on your products.
- Set Up Retargeting Ads for Abandoned Carts
Abandoned cart ads are great for a few reasons:
- They’re easy to set up.
- They don’t take much time or effort (even if you need to create new ad copy).
- They can bring back customers who may have forgotten about your product or service.
The idea behind abandoned cart retargeting is simple: when a user abandons their shopping cart on your site, you send them a follow-up email or text with a discounted offer to try and bring them back into the fold.
- Retarget Prospects with an Email Campaign
Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal, and it’s a highly effective way to reach your target audience. A retargeting campaign is a great place to start when you want to reach out to people who have shown interest in your products or services but have yet to purchase.
A retargeting email campaign works like this: when someone visits your website, browser cookies allow you to monitor their web activity and serve ads based on what they do online (and where they do it). If you sell t-shirts, for example, you can track which pages someone has visited on your site and serve ads for related products like socks or hats when they visit other sites. You can also use data from social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram so that if someone liked the shirt of yours that another customer bought last year (which makes them likely), they would see an ad for this year’s version of that same shirt while scrolling through her feed!
Agency Partner Interactive Can Help You Get Started
And there you have it! These are some of the most basic, yet effective marketing strategies for Black Friday. Once you’ve decided which approach works best for your brand, it’s time to implement it. Agency Partner Interactive’s team of digital marketing experts can help guide your company through data-driven decisions to increase traffic, build your brand voice, foster a community of loyal followers, and more. Send us your proposal today!