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How to Take Advantage of Local SEO for Law Firms
Expert Tips For How to Take Advantage of Local SEO for Law Firms
The legal field can be tricky to navigate, but with the help of localized SEO strategies, it doesn’t have to be. Local search engine optimization (SEO) is a process that helps law firms rank higher in organic searches for certain locations. It differs from traditional SEO because it focuses on specific geographic areas rather than keywords and phrases. While it may seem intimidating at first glance, local SEO is quite simple—and it can be an incredibly effective strategy for generating leads and new business opportunities for your firm!
Understanding Local Lawyer SEO
If you’ve never heard of local SEO, that’s okay. It’s a relatively new form of online marketing—and one that has the potential to be especially helpful for law firms. The basic idea behind local SEO is simple: it allows you to rank highly in Google searches when someone types in your city’s name or zip code while searching for legal services. Search query examples are “lawyers near me” or “Dallas law firms.”
While this may sound similar to traditional paid advertising, there are some key differences. First, with paid ads (such as those on Google AdWords), you pay every time someone clicks on your ad and visits your website. With local SEO, there are no costs associated with each visit—as long as the person typing in their information correctly matches what they’re looking for. Second, paid ads tend to appear at the top of search results based on how much advertisers have spent; local SEO means appearing at the top simply because people want what you offer nearby!
Start With Your Google My Business Listing
Google My Business listings are essential for local SEO because they’re how you get your presence on Google Maps.
Google My Business listings aren’t automatically created for you when you set up a business, so if you don’t already have one, create one here.
Once you’ve filled out all the required fields and submitted your listing, it may take up to 30 days before your profile appears on Google Maps. In addition to creating a listing on Google Maps, make sure that any other platforms (like Facebook) where people might look up information about your law firm also display accurate information about its location(s).
Work On Your Law Firm Website
Your website is the most important tool to get new clients and keep existing ones. There are a lot of things you need to consider when developing your website, including:
- Content—What kind of content will be on your site? Is it helpful or just a bunch of legal jargon that no one can understand?
- Design—Is your website intuitive and aligned with your brand image?
- Usability—Are all your links and features accessible across all devices and browsers?
- Navigation—Can people find what they’re looking for quickly and easily?
Get Your Website Reviewed by a Professional
One of the best things you can do for your law firm’s local SEO is to get a third party to review your website. You may have a local SEO specialist or a local law firm that you’re already familiar with, but hiring someone with experience in both industries might make sense. If none of those options fit the bill, consider working with an SEO agency, like Agency Partner Interactive. Getting a new perspective will help ensure your site is up-to-date and functional and that your website architecture is optimized, especially if you’re new to local search optimization or updating an older site.
Use Geotags
If you publish any social media content, ensure you include geotags. Geotagging is simply labeling your posts with the location of your firm. Doing so is a simple way to increase your brand awareness and let potential customers know where to find you.
Geotags for videos are equally important. When someone shares a video on Facebook or YouTube (which both use Google Maps for location data), their audience can see where the video was shot if it was uploaded with appropriate tags.
Ways to Incorporate Local SEO for Law Firms
You can incorporate local SEO for your law firm in several different ways. Local SEO, or lawyer SEO that focuses on getting exposure for attorneys in front of their prospective clients in their primary business location(s), is a part of internet marketing that many firms overlook.
Optimize Your Website
This will help people find you when they’re searching online and ensure that you’re properly indexed on search engines like Google and Bing. Most importantly, it will improve your chances of ranking well on those searches when someone types in keywords related to what you do (e.g., “personal injury attorney” or “criminal defense lawyer”).
Create Geotargeted Content
People will be looking for your services nearby, no matter what industry or location you’re in. A way to target this market is by creating useful content related to your location and services. Some content topics can include: “How much does an average personal injury case cost?” or “Which attorneys specialize in green card cases?” By answering some of the most asked questions your audience searches, you can establish credibility and call them to action. After creating your content, post them on social media channels like Facebook or LinkedIn so they rank higher when people search for relevant terms.
To summarize, if you want to appear in local search results, you must optimize your website and content.
Agency Partner Interactive
Local SEO benefits many businesses but offers key advantages for law firms. Potential clients will always search for lawyers to take on their cases, and ensuring you’re top of mind is essential for generating new leads. A successful strategy means optimizing your law firm website for local SEO and publishing any content with correct meta tags, descriptions, and geotargeted keywords. Whether you’re just getting started with local SEO or have an established practice, improving your outreach and visibility will help your firm stay agile and successful. The SEO experts at Agency Partner Interactive have worked extensively with law firms of all sectors and sizes. We can help you develop a data-driven local SEO strategy to accelerate growth and drive revenue. Schedule your free consultation today!