All Blogs,Digital Marketing, - November 29, 2022
Holiday Digital Marketing Trends for the 2022 Season
It’s that time of year again when everyone starts thinking about the holidays. But what does “holiday” mean in a digital world? For many retailers and brands, it means an uptick in traffic, sales, and engagement. It also means a whole new set of challenges for marketers who want to make sure their businesses are ready for the surge in traffic. That’s where this article comes into play: we’re going to share our top tips for getting your brand ready for the holiday season—whether that means you want to boost your SEO rankings or increase conversions on your e-commerce site!
Inflation-Driven Promotions are on the Rise
Promotions are a great way to reach more customers and increase sales. But they can also be used to boost brand awareness, increase customer loyalty, and generate powerful word-of-mouth marketing campaigns that drive new business.
Inflation-driven promotions are on the rise as companies look for ways to keep costs down while still increasing their customer base. However, there is a risk involved in offering deep discounts—you may lose money if you don’t sell enough products or if your product isn’t worth full price when you do sell it out.
First-Party Data Takes a Front Seat
First-party data is becoming increasingly important. With the rise of AI and machine learning, you can get valuable insight into your customers’ preferences from the data that you collect from them.
First-party data is more accurate than third-party data because it comes directly from your customers while third party is collected by other companies on behalf of advertisers who then try to sell it back to them (at a premium). Your first party offers a more intimate picture of each individual user which makes it easier for marketers to tailor their messages accordingly – leading up closer towards what they actually want rather than what some company thinks they should want based on past behavior alone!
Shoppable Live Streaming Will Be Everywhere
Live streaming is a great way to engage your customers, build trust and show off your products and services. Shoppable live-streaming allows you to add interactive features such as polls, quizzes and giveaways. You can allow customers to shop directly from the stream by simply swiping up or adding items directly from their saved shopping carts.
You can also use live streaming to show off your products and services. Showcase new products that are being launched for the holiday season or highlight any special offers you may be running at the same time.
Stretching Out the Holiday Digital Marketing Calendar
Holiday digital marketing isn’t something you can wait until the last minute to plan for.
The holidays are the time when most consumers make their buying decisions, so this is one of the most important times of year to be a part of your customer’s lives. The holiday season starts earlier each year. If you’re planning your first holiday marketing strategy (or if it’s been a while since you’ve done one), now is the time to start planning!
The key to success with any digital marketing campaign is planning, and that goes double for the holidays. You’ll want to start preparing by creating a list of goals based on what they are looking for in their next purchase and any pain points that may be preventing them from making those purchases today. Then get creative about how you might solve those problems through content or offers that bring them back into your brand’s universe again and again throughout December.
Start Your Holiday Campaigns Early
If you’re looking to boost your holiday marketing efforts and be in front of shoppers at the right time of year, we recommend planning for the holidays as early as possible. This doesn’t mean you have to start your campaigns in January or February—you can even begin them in spring!
The holidays are not as far off as you might think. In fact, they’re right around the corner! That means you don’t have much time to get your digital marketing campaigns in order. You should start planning for holiday promotions and content upgrades as soon as possible so that when November rolls around (and it will), you won’t be scrambling to put together all of the pieces.
Make Sure to Know Your Audience
Knowing your audience is of paramount importance. You need to know what they like and don’t like, what they are looking for, what they are likely to buy, and what they need to know. Knowing who your target market is will help you craft a message that resonates with them and give it the best chance possible at performing well in the marketplace.
So, if we take all of these factors into consideration when creating our digital marketing campaigns for this holiday season, then what can we expect?
Be Ready When Shoppers are Buying
With the holiday season in full swing, now is the time to make sure you’re prepared for those last-minute buyers. Having your campaigns ready to go and channels in place will help you provide a seamless experience for your customers. A strong plan to communicate with both customers and employees will also ensure that everyone is on board with the company’s digital marketing strategy.
Make Sure You Have All of Your Shopping Channels Ready to go
The best way to prepare for the season is to make sure all of your shopping channels are ready. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly site, or if your eCommerce store isn’t optimized for mobile devices, then chances are that you’re missing out on a large number of sales.
As we move into 2022, digital marketing will continue to play an important role in holiday shopping. From the trend of inflation-driven promotions to the growing need for first-party data and shoppable live streaming content, there are plenty of new opportunities for marketers to get creative with their campaigns and expand their audience’s reach. As always, we’re excited about what lies ahead!
Our team of experts is ready to provide bespoke web design and development, internet marketing expertise, social media marketing, email marketing, content strategy, and SEO. We know that every business has its own unique needs—that’s why we tailor our services to fit yours!
We’re confident that our approach will help you achieve your goals, whether they’re building brand awareness or increasing sales. Send us your proposal today!