All Blogs,Digital Marketing, - November 25, 2022
How To Rock Your Content Management Process
Content management is one of the most important processes for any business, but it’s often overlooked. If done correctly, content management can help your company increase its reach and improve customer satisfaction. The key to effective content management is having a clear process for creating and managing content across all departments. This process will ensure that everyone knows what they need to do in order to add new blog posts, create new email campaigns or even send tweets from your Twitter account.
What Exactly Do We Mean By Content Management?
Content management isn’t just about creating content. You also need to manage it, which might be a lot more difficult than you think.
Content management is not just about managing the actual content itself (like making sure it’s formatted properly and has been edited properly). It’s also about organizing that content in a way that makes sense and will be easy for others in the organization (or outside of it) to find when they need it.
If your marketing strategy relies heavily on blogging, then you know all too well how much time goes into creating engaging blog posts on any given topic: researching, writing and editing every single article before publishing them online for everyone else in your company to see—and hopefully share!
What Tools Do You Need for Content Management?
Your needs will vary depending on the size of your business and the frequency with which you release new content. The tools you use can be as simple or as complex as you need them to be. For example, if your company only has one website and no social media accounts, then a basic spreadsheet could work just fine for managing your content creation process. If your business is more complex and has multiple websites, social media accounts, branded emails, and newsletters to send out regularly—you’ll want something more advanced than a spreadsheet!
Here are some options:
- Google Docs – A free tool that allows multiple users to edit documents at the same time
- Trello – A free project management tool for organizing tasks across teams
- Evernote – A free note-taking app that syncs across devices
How to Develop a Content Management Process
Content management is a process that allows you to manage and update your content across all devices. It’s important for everyone in your company because it helps keep your content consistent, allows you to make changes quickly, and improves search engine optimization (SEO).
In order for a company or business with multiple employees or teams to effectively work together on creating and distributing their digital presence, there needs to be a central place where all of their information can be organized. A good content strategy will help coordinate these efforts by providing guidelines on how specific groups should interact with one another when creating new content.
It’s also important because it makes sure all content created by different teams throughout an organization has similar style, tone and voice — making it easy for people outside of marketing who aren’t familiar with the brand’s voice or subject matter have access as well.
Determine What Types of Content to Manage
When deciding which content types to manage, you must consider the needs of your business. A large retail chain may use a different set of content types than a small local bakery, for instance. You may also want to consider how much time and resources you have available for managing your CMS. If you only use one or two simple templates for all of your pages (which is perfectly fine), then it might be easier just going with those rather than creating a whole bunch more complex one.
However, if there are certain areas where having different layouts on each page would make sense, go ahead and do it! There’s nothing wrong with doing something more complicated just because it makes sense in the context of what you’re doing; after all, that’s why we’re here: so that our clients’ businesses can run smoothly while they focus on growing their revenue streams instead getting bogged down by tedious coding work that takes too much time away from them doing other things like making sales or talking with customers directly about what they need us to build next time around.”
Assemble Your Content Management Toolstack
There are many types of content management tools, but they can be categorized into three main types:
- Tools that manage your entire platform (e.g., WordPress)
- Tools that focus on specific segments of the content lifecycle
- Smaller task-specific apps that generally plug into one other CMS or platform.
Create a Clear Tagging Structure
Tagging is the process of assigning keywords to content, which can be used to organize content and make it easier to find. Search engines use tagging as a way to organize their index of websites, so tagging your website’s content will help improve your SEO efforts.
Tagging can be done in two ways: manually or automatically. Manual tagging involves writing down all of the words that describe an article or piece of content before publishing it online—for example, if you were writing about “how to rock your company’s content management strategy in 2022,” you’d write this down somewhere on the page when you publish it online. In both cases, tags should be short and precise so that Google reads them correctly when crawling through website pages during its search engine algorithm updates (which happen approximately every few months).
Build Workflows for the Creation of Content
Workflows are a series of steps that help guide the creation of content, and they can be used across multiple types of content. For example, you can use a blog post workflow to create your company’s blog posts or you can use a video workflow to make videos for social media.
Create a Process for Auditing Content
Auditing content is an essential part of the process, but it’s often overlooked or skipped. You may think that you have no need for auditing because your content isn’t broken, but that can be an expensive assumption to make. Auditing helps you keep track of what you have and what you don’t. It also helps identify gaps in your content and duplicate information so that you can create a roadmap for creating new pieces of content, or updating existing ones to meet the needs of your customers and clients (which we will discuss later).
Auditing can be done manually or through software programs like Google Analytics. The benefit of using software is that it allows for greater consistency across all audits; however, a manual audit allows for thoroughness when checking on unique pages such as landing pages and contact forms in addition to standard product pages.
Content management is a vital part of any digital marketing strategy. It helps you keep your website up-to-date and relevant, as well as ensure that your other platforms are communicating a consistent message. Remember: every business is different, so it’s important to think about what processes will work best for your company!
Our digital marketing experts at Agency Partner Interactive can develop a compelling content management process that engages with your audience, drives brand awareness, and accelerates your business growth.
Start the new year strong and schedule your consultation today!