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Ultimate Guide of Conduct Keyword Research for SEO in 2023.

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing popular search terms that people enter on Google. Keyword research helps businesses and website owners understand what their audience is searching for and what words and phrases they use to find information online. 

Keyword research is essential for SEO because it allows website owners to identify high-traffic keywords relevant to their business and optimize their content to rank higher on SERPs. 

The landscape of keyword research is constantly changing, especially in 2023. Google has been evolving its algorithms and search results to match user intent better and provide more personalized results. According to Backlinko, Google’s search algorithm is estimated to use over 200 ranking factors to determine search results, making it increasingly important to conduct thorough keyword research and SEO optimization. 

This means keyword research must focus more on user intent and context than the specific words used in a search query. Website owners need to consider not only the specific keywords they want to rank for but also the user’s intent and the context in which the search is being made to create content that aligns with both. Are you aware of the latest keyword research trends and techniques for SEO in 2023 

Types of Keywords to Target in 2023 

There are several types of keywords that website owners and marketers should target to improve their SEO and attract more organic traffic to their websites: 

Short-tail keywords  

These are short, generic keywords that are usually one or two words in length. They are broad and typically have a high search volume but are highly competitive. Examples of short-tail keywords include “shoes,” “holidays,” and “fitness.” 

Long-tail keywords 

These are more specific keyword phrases that are typically three or more words in length. According to SEMrush, long-tail keywords have become increasingly important in recent years, with over 70% of all searches conducted using long-tail keywords. 

They have lower search volumes than short-tail keywords but are often less competitive, making them easier to rank for. Examples of long-tail keywords include “best running shoes for women,” “family-friendly beach vacations,” and “yoga poses for beginners.” 

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords 

LSI keywords can include synonyms, related phrases, and concepts. These keywords are semantically related to a main keyword and help Google understand the context of the content. For example, if the main keyword is “fitness,” related LSI keywords might include “exercise,” “health,” and “nutrition.” 

Geo-specific keywords 

These are keywords that target a specific geographic location. They can include city names, state names, or other location-specific terms. For example, “best pizza in New York City” or “plumber in Los Angeles.” Geo-specific keywords can help local businesses attract more traffic and improve their visibility in local search results. 

Voice search keywords 

These are keywords that are tailored for use in voice searches. With the development of voice assistants and smart speakers, more people are using voice search to find information online. Voice search keywords are often conversational and may include question phrases such as “how to,” “what is,” and “where can I find.” Examples include “What’s the weather like today,” “Best Thai restaurant near me,” and “How do I fix a leaky faucet.” 

Keyword Research Tools for 2023 

Here’s an overview of some of the most popular tools: 

Google keyword planner 

This free tool provided by Google allows you to research keywords and see their search volume and competition levels. You can also get ideas for new keywords based on a website or a specific topic. 


Ahrefs is a paid tool that comprehensively analyzes a website’s backlinks, organic search traffic, and keyword rankings. It also includes a keyword research tool to discover new opportunities and analyze your competitors’ strategies. 


SEMrush is a paid tool with keyword research, competitor analysis, and site audit features. It lets you discover new keywords, track your rankings, and analyze your competitors’ strategies. 

Moz keyword explorer 

Moz Keyword Explorer is a paid tool that features keyword research and analysis. It allows you to discover new keywords, analyzes search volume and difficulty, and track your rankings. 


AnswerThePublic is a free tool that provides insights into people’s questions about a particular topic. It generates a visual map of related questions and topics based on a keyword or phrase. 

Easy Steps to Conduct Keyword Research in 2023 

Here are the steps to conduct effective keyword research in 2023: 

Determine your target audience 

Before conducting keyword research, it’s important to understand your target audience and their search behavior. Consider their demographics, interests, and search intent. This will help you identify the keywords they will use when searching for your products or services. 

Brainstorm keyword ideas 

Start with a list of relevant topics and brainstorm keyword ideas relevant to those topics. Use your knowledge of your target audience and their search behavior to develop potential keywords. 

Use keyword research tools 

Use keyword research tools like Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz Keyword Explorer to expand your list of potential keywords. These tools can provide additional keyword suggestions and insights into the search volume and competition levels. 

Analyze the competition and search intent 

Analyze the competition for your potential keywords by looking at their search engine rankings and the content they are producing. Also, consider the search intent behind each keyword. Are people looking for information, products, or services related to that keyword? This will help you better target your content to the needs of your audience. 

Prioritize keywords based on relevancy and search volume 

Once you have a list of your keywords, prioritize them based on their relevancy to your business and search volume. Focus on highly relevant keywords to your business and have a high search volume which will help you target the right audience and attract more traffic to your website. 

Best Practices for Keyword Research in 2023 

To conduct effective keyword research in 2023, it’s important to follow best practices that keep up with the ever-changing landscape of SEO. Here are some best practices for keyword research in 2023: 

  • Google algorithms are constantly updating to provide better search results to its users. Stay up to date with these updates and adjust your keyword strategy accordingly. 
  • Focusing on user intent is more important than just search volume. Google’s algorithms are becoming more advanced in understanding user intent. Hence, creating content that aligns with what the user is looking for is important, which means considering the context and purpose behind a search query and creating content that provides value to the user. 
  • Keyword research is an ongoing process. It’s important to regularly monitor and adjust your keyword strategy based on changes in search behavior and algorithm updates. Keep track of your keyword rankings, search volume, and competition levels, and adjust your strategy accordingly. 
  • In addition to short-tail and long-tail keywords, use various keyword types, such as LSI, geo-specific, and voice search, to target different search queries, which will help you engage a wider audience and improve your chances of ranking for various relevant keywords. 

To Sum Up: Ultimate Guide of Conduct Keyword Research for SEO in 2023 Updated 

Keyword research is crucial for SEO in 2023. It helps identify high-traffic keywords and align content with user intent, increasing visibility and driving organic traffic. Stay updated on Google’s algorithm updates, focus on user intent over search volume, monitor and adjust your keyword strategy, and use various keyword types. 

Brainstorm keyword ideas and use keyword research tools to expand and prioritize keywords based on relevancy and search volume. Monitor rankings and adjust your strategy to improve search engine visibility and drive traffic. 

Get Customized SEO Solutions for Your Business Today! 

At Agency Partner Interactive, we believe digital marketing is more than just a buzzword – it’s an important factor in any successful business SEO strategy. We provide services to help our clients achieve their online goals, like SEO keyword research, on-page SEO, social media, organic keywords, content creation, content marketing, and more, with low SEO costs. 

We have a proven record of delivering results that exceed expectations. Our 180+ clients have seen an average increase of 45% in organic traffic after implementing our local SEO on their websites. 

If you’re looking for a result-driven agency to help you achieve your aim, look no further than Agency Partner Interactive. Contact us today to schedule a free call to learn more about how we can help your business succeed online.